For the 75 year anniversary of NATO the Radioclub de Bevelanden will activate a special call sign PA75GOLF during the weekend of April 20–21. The event will take place in the clubhouse that used to be a listening post of the Ministry of Defence during the early days of the Cold War. The code name of the station used to be "Post GOLF." The club has been in existence since 1988 and moved in the clubhouse when it became available. It is active as PI4Z normally.

Original listening antenna
Clubhouse with a nice array of antennas

The station will be active on different bands in CW, SSB, FT8 and possibly other modes such as RTTY and other digital modes depending on how much gear the club members will bring for the occasion. The club station will also be open to the public from 10-16 hours CET. There will be demonstrations with army radio equipment besides home-made radios.

You can visit the Crypto Museum for more detailed information about the listening station Post Golf.

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